Why can’t I write a TV spec sample using my favorite TV show that’s been canceled? I just don’t see why it has to be a current show.
Marcie Ross, Sunnydale, CA
Dear Marcie,
Some might think it’s just a big network conspiracy to make sure aspiring TV writers watch every episode of as many current shows as possible while also investing in DVD collections of those same shows. But there’s actually a method to the madness. It’s a means of letting execs see a little variety in the specs that pile up on their desk week-after-week… year-after-year.
Especially after they’ve read a gazillion variations of this spec script…
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER "Halloween, Her Way" TEASER FADE IN: INT. BUFFY'S BATHROOM - NIGHT Steam slightly clouds the scene as we just make out Buffy's nude silhouette in the shower as she finishes rinsing her hair. BUFFY (SINGING) It's a dead man's party. Who could ask for more? Everybody's comin', leave your body at the door Leave your body and soul at the-- BREEP BREEP Buffy shuts off the water and slides open the shower curtain listening intently. INT. BUFFY'S BEDROOM - MOMENTS LATER Buffy, with a towel wrapped around her body, finishes tucking her wet hair into another towel as she walks across the room and picks up the phone. BUFFY Hello? Giles? GILES (PHONE) Yes, I know you're supposed to have the night off, but there have been reports of a strange demon sighted in the cemetery. Buffy sits down on the edge of her bed where there's a nice dress and shoes spread out ready for her to change into. BUFFY But, it's Halloween. Nothing-- GILES (PHONE) Yes, quite right. Nothing ever happens on Halloween, but we've been proven wrong before. CONTINUED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CONTINUED: She pulls the dress up off the bed and hangs it back up in the closet. BUFFY All right, I'll go make a quick check. She tosses a pair of jeans and a long-sleeve comfortable shirt onto the bed. She tosses her patrol bag onto the bed and fills it with her tools... crucifix, wooden stakes, flask of holy water, and a small axe. EXT. CEMETERY - NIGHT Buffy wanders through the cemetery, stake in hand, looking out for any sign of trouble. She hears a sound and turns in that direction. She spots something out of place on a tombstone. She approaches and sees it's a rose. She looks around but doesn't see any sign of anyone... or anything. As she grabs the rose, a monstrous demonic figure in silhouette rises up behind her. She smells the rose and then her eyes go wide as a hand grabs her shoulder. BLACK OUT. END OF TEASER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.
ACT TWO EXT. CEMETERY - MOMENTS LATER Buffy spins around with a wooden stake in her hand, but the demonic figure swats her arm aside. He pulls off the mask to reveal.. ANGEL They look deep into each other's eyes for an eternity before giving in to their desire and kissing passionately. In the midst of their passionate exchange, Angel lifts her up and seats her on top of the tombstone as she wraps her legs around his waist. BUFFY Angel... we can't... we can't do this. You'll turn... bad... again. Angel stops kissing and rests his forehead against hers. He takes a step back letting his hand slide gently across her cheek and then run through her hair. ANGEL You're right. But... but maybe there's a way. Maybe we can find a way to make it work this time. I-- He turns his back to her. ANGEL (cont'd) I need you, Buffy. I-- SPIKE (O.C.) Can you believe this bloody loser? Angel and Buffy look up to see SPIKE scratching his nails across the tops of tombstones as he strolls toward them. SPIKE (cont'd) Wants to endanger the whole world again for a little piece of... happiness? Spike brushes past Angel and sits on the edge of the tombstone right next to Buffy. SPIKE (cont'd) Tell you what, luv. I'll take care of the physical happiness while you and Angelus enjoy the finer points of ooey- gooey mushiness. CONTINUED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. CONTINUED: ANGEL That's enough, Spike. Spike puts his arm around Buffy. She looks dazed and confused like a lost, little girl. SPIKE Enough? I think the lady and I were just getting warmed up. Angel grabs Spike and lifts him up off the ground. ANGEL Enough! Angel switches to his vampire face. Spike puts on his vampire face in return. SPIKE Well then, let's go... Angelus. Angel tosses Spike through the air smashing him into a tombstone, which cracks in half on impact. Buffy watches on as Angel and Spike fight. They tear into each other with claws that shred away their shirts revealing rippling muscles and perfect bodies glistening with sweat. Buffy bites her lip as she plays voyeur to the two vampire's violent dance. EXT. CEMETERY - MOMENTS LATER A pair of combat boots jogs over the ground of the cemetery. The soldier's feet come to a stop within sight of the two vampires fighting. Buffy still breathes heavily as she watches them. A military A3 bag drops beside the boots. XANDER Hey, you vampire freaks! Angel and Spike continue fighting. XANDER (cont'd) Listen to me, dammit! Angel and Spike turn their heads toward Xander who keeps most of his appearance hidden in the shadows. CONTINUED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. CONTINUED: XANDER (cont'd) I'm tired of you two running around with your chiseled jaws and fancy accents making it impossible for us normal guys to get a second look from a woman like Buffy. I could have had a shot at her if it weren't for you tainting her with your vampire charms. SPIKE I don't think you have us to blame for that. XANDER And... I gotta deal with your ever-so- smugger-than-thou attitudes belittling me in the process. Trying to make me less of a man. Well, I've had enough!Xander reaches into the A3 bag and pulls out a vest, which he puts on. He goes through the Commando/Predator military soldier suit up sequence as he gets ready for battle. He steps into the light looking like Rambo as he snaps a clip into his M16. XANDER (cont'd) And I mean it this time. Buffy gasps as Xander opens fire on Spike and Angel riddling them with bullets. Spike and Angel look at each other, unfazed by the bullets. Then they look at Xander. XANDER (cont'd) Crap. I should've known that <i>From Dusk Til Dawn</i> cross on the bullets trick wouldn't work. Xander pulls out his combat knife as he, Spike, and Angel prepare to throw down. BUFFY Stands up to go save Xander's butt when a female hand covers her mouth. EXT. CEMETERY - MOMENTS LATER Xander, Spike, and Angel circle each other, exhausted but determined. Their clothes are shredded leaving the men practically half-naked under the moonlight. CONTINUED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. CONTINUED: WILLOW (O.C.) Oh, boys! The three men turn to see Willow holding Buffy close. She has a wicked grin on her face as her hand slides across Buffy's stomach along the waistline of her jeans. Buffy looks like she's in a hypnotic trance. WILLOW (cont'd) I was just thinking... She stops to nibble lightly on Buffy's ear as another female steps out of the shadows. EVIL WILLOW We... we were just thinking. Evil Willow slides up alongside Buffy and pulls Buffy's head back by her hair to plant a deep, passionate kiss on her while regular Willow fumbles around with the button to Buffy's jeans. WILLOW Right, we were thinking... BUFFY'S FEET As her jeans drop to the ground. Looking past the jeans, Xander, Spike, and Angel look on in eager anticipation. WILLOW (cont'd) Why can't we all just share her? As the boys continue to stare, more clothes land beside the jeans on the ground... Buffy's shirt, Willow's shirt, Buffy's bra, Evil Willow's shirt. XANDER Do you think this is one of those strange Halloween enchant--
Xander, Angel and Spike go wide- eyed as they see something off screen that makes Buffy MOAN with pleasure. XANDER (cont'd) Was that... I mean... did they just... do what I think they just did to her? Spike starts running toward the moans tearing off what little remains of his shirt. Angel and Xander follow him doing the same.
… and well, you can probably tell where it goes from there for the next 36 minutes. Those fans of Buffy (especially the aspiring TV writers) were extremely passionate about their show, and it showed. In a lot of ways.